Kiehl’s Christmas Gift Sets at Nordstom

Kiehl’s has been a tried and true brand since 1851 and one of our favorite places to shop it is at Nordstrom, because they always have free shipping and free returns! My father and brother love skincare just as much as me so checking them off our Christmas list this year was super easy when I snagged these adorable Kiehl’s Gift Sets! We got my dad the Kiehl’s Ultimate Age Fighter Set and my brother who is in the sun a lot for work the Kiehl’s Hydration Essential Set. Shop all the gift sets below, they come perfectly wrapped in the cutest gift boxes and all you have to add is a bow and place them under the tree! I also snagged this cute Nordstrom brand PJ set in a size small perfect for the Holidays! Wishing you and your family a healthy and happy Holiday!


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Thank you Nordstrom for sponsoring this post.

Shop all Khiels products HERE and my Nordstrom PJ Set HERE (in a size small)

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Fun Holiday gifting with Walmart